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Art for Charity

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Abstract Paintings Sale on behalf of the National Migraine Centre in London

100% of the sale price of all Paintings sold from this page will be donated to the National Migraine Centre (NMC) in London.


All paintings are priced at either £50.00, £75.00 or £100.00 (or £250.00 for melt 3 and melt 4 sold together).


There will be an additional charge of £15.00 for P&P if unable to be collected or delivered locally (West Sussex).



Click on the Image below for additional views of each painting plus 'Add to Cart' link.             

The full amount, less any P&P, will then be donated to the NMC. The donation will also benefit from GiftAid adding a further 20% to the donation amount.


For Sea and Landscape paintings (apart from Miniatures) sold via this website 50% of the sale price will be donated when requested.

For all other Paintings, Drawings and Prints sold via this website 5% will be donated when requested.


If you have any questions regarding a particular painting please do not hesitate to make contact via the 'Contact' page, or emailing direct to or call me on 07817 178677


This is also being promoted on the National Migraine Centre website and on their Facebook page.





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